
Thursday, May 16, 2013

Implementing Observer Pattern

The Observer Pattern is a design pattern in which an object (called subject) is designed in such a way that other objects can be added as observers of the Subject, and any change in the state of the Subject can be notified to the Observers. This is very useful when you want to implement some event driven logic such as implementing a threshold of stock and notifying the purchasing application if stock goes below the set threshold.

In this way we completely separate the concerns of different areas of the application and can implement functions that are fired up based on the events happening in your application. This programming model is called Even Driven Programming where you implement the logic based on the events happeing in the application. Without going into the details of Event Drive programming; let’s see how this is implemented in Java.

Java provides a class Observable and an interface Observer in the java.util package to implement the Observable paradigm. This is what you do:

  • To Create Observable (the Subject), extend the Observable class
  • To create Observers, implement Observer interface and override update(Object obj) method
After that all you need to do is to addObserver() instances in your Observable class. Let’s see how it is done; we start by creating our Subject.

package observertest;

import java.util.Observable;

public class MyObservable extends Observable {
 public int sum(int a, int b){
  // If not set then observers will think nothing is changed
  // hence no action required. 
  // Perform the business logic
  int c = a+b;
  System.out.println("Notifying Observers");
  // A call to notifyObservers() also clears the changed flag
  notifyObservers(new Integer(c)); 
  return c;


This is a very simple Observable with only one business method sum(int a, int b) . Things to note here are calls to setChanged() and notifyObservers(). The setChanged method is a marker that means something is changed in your Observable object. If the marker is not set then a call to notify will have no effect. This is where you control whether to notify the observers or not.

The other interesting bit is the notifyObservers() method. A call to this methid will fire a notification to ALL the observers observing this object. Note that it takes an Object as a parameter so we have to convert any primitive types to their object wrappers. This is Java’s mechanism to pass parameters to the Observers if we want. The same parameter will be passed to all the observers listening to any changes to this object.

Now let’s see the Observer. To make the point clear, I created two observers on the same Subject.

package observertest;

import java.util.Observable;
import java.util.Observer;

public class MySecondObserver implements Observer {

 public void update(Observable o, Object arg) {
  System.out.println("Second Observer Notified:" + o + "  :  " + arg);



And the second Observer for our example

package observertest;

import java.util.Observable;
import java.util.Observer;

public class MySecondObserver implements Observer {

 public void update(Observable o, Object arg) {
  System.out.println("Second Observer Notified:" + o + "  :  " + arg);



As you can see, all we are doing here is implementing the Observer interface and overriding the update() method. A call to the notifyObservers() from the Observable will result in a call to the update() method eventually. The first parameter is the Object under observation and second parameter is the value you passed to the notifyObservers() method from your Observable.

Let’s see this in action. I am creating a main class where I will create instance of the Observable and will add these Observers to the Observable. Here we go….

package observertest;

public class MainClass {

 public static void main(String[] args) {
  int a = 3;
  int b = 4;
  MyObservable ob = new MyObservable();
  // Add observers
  System.out.println("Adding observers");
  ob.addObserver(new MyFirstObserver());
  ob.addObserver(new MySecondObserver());
  System.out.println("Executing Sum :  " + a + " + " + b);
  ob.sum(a, b);

Here we are simply creating an instance of the Observable class and adding the two Observers to our class. After that we call our business method and this is where the Observers are notified. The Observable does not know nor does it care how many Observers are listening to changes to its state, all it does is notify everyone that something is changed and send some information about the changes.

Similarly, the Observers are completely independent of the Observable. They are interested only in the Subject for a change of state and what action they want to perform if they are notified of that change is completely up to the Observers.

This is the output when we run the MainClass

Adding observers
Executing Sum :  3 + 4
Notifying Observers
Second Observer Notified:observertest.MyObservable@1b499616  :  7
First Observer Notified: observertest.MyObservable@1b499616  :  7

Note that your output may be different as we have no control over which observer will be notified first. However, all of the Observers are going to receive the same data, the Subject, and some details passed by the Subject, an Integer in our case.

For more details look at the JavaDocs for Observer and Observable. Some study of Event Driven Programming paradigm would also give you better insight into the pros and cons of this programming model.

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